Beautify Self
Divine, 1 point, self,
This spell doubles the caster's
APP for the purposes of seeming attractive. It lasts until dawn the next day. (SP)
Calm Anger
Spirit, 2 points, self, temporal
This spell doubles the chance of success for the recipient to calm an angry person down. The player
may chose which skill to use, but the GM may want to apply bonuses or penalties depending on how relevant the skill is. (SP)
Calm Ardour
Spirit, 2 points, ranged, non-stackable, instant.
This spell immediately calms the great passion that someone can feel for another.
If the target is not willing the caster must overcome Magic Points. This is not a permanent effect, for the ardour may come
back, but it may calm things down enough to talk sense to the young man or woman. (SP)
Cheerful Song Spirit, 1 point, self, temporal.
For the duration of the song the caster can
sing a cheerful, merry tune. They gain +20% Sing for the duration of the spell as long as they keep to cheerful songs. (NE)
Sick Child
Spirit, 3 points, touch, special.
This spell provides comfort to a sick child for the duration of the spell. It relieves pain, relaxes them, and mildly
eases their symptoms. The spell lasts for an hour but can be extended by expending three additional magic points per hour
of desired duration, and making a Ceremony roll. Maximum of eight hours. (J)
Ease Labour
Pains Divine, 1 point, touch, non-stackable, temporal.
Once cast this spell will ease
the pains of a woman in labour, reducing it to nothing other than minor discomfort. Only serious birth difficulties cause
anything more than minor pain, and even then it is limited. Obviously this spell is often used in conjunction with Extension.
Divine, 1 point, self, non-stackable, temporal.
This spell allows
the user to create flowers. When she touches any surface and expends a magic point, a pretty flower or spray of leaves unfurls
on the spot touched. If the site is suitable for a small plant's growth, it takes root and sprouts. If the site is not suitable
(such as behind someone's ear or on a tile floor) only the flower or leaves and a bit of stem appears, unconnected to the
surface. She can continue thus creating flower's as she walks along until she runs out of magic points or the spell's duration
expires. (RQ)
Make Children Laugh
Spirit, 2 points, ranged,
This only works if cast on children. It makes the children laugh,
no matter what their mood. It serves to entertain children. (SP)
Orane's Cooking
Spirit, 1 point, variable, self, temporal.
For the duration
of the spell the casters craft/cookery skill is increased by 5%. This cannot more than double the casters skill. (NE)
Pella's Blessing
Spirit, 1 point, variable, self, temporal.
every point in this spell the caster's craft/pottery skill is increased by 5%. It cannot increase the caster's skill by more
than double. (NE)
Put Down Weapons
Divine, 2 points, ranged, stackable, temporal.
Once cast everyone
within range will find themselves compelled to put their weapons down and stop fighting, or taking offensive actions of any
kind. It is effective only against Orlanthi. To work, the caster must roll d100 and compare the results on the resistance
table. All targets whose magic points would have been overcome are affected. For instance, a priest with 12 magic points rolled
52; all potential targets with 11 magic points or less are affected. The spell is ineffective unless everyone in the
area of effect is affected. A target may voluntarily submit to the spell if they so wish. Stacking the spell gives the caster
an extra effective 5 magic points for overcoming purposes per spell stacked. The effects end instantly if the caster takes
any offensive action. (NE)
There is
Always A Way
Divine, 4 points, non-stackable, self, temporal.
This spell may be used in one of four ways, to be chosen at casting.
The first use is as a form of divination. It enables the caster to seek a solution to a problem by thinking of another
way to deal with it. In game terms this use is heavily dependant on GMD, and whether or not the GM believes that a solution
to the problem is evident through observation or character knowledge. If the solution to the problem is based on something
within Ernaldan or Orlanthi mythology, a useful mechanism is to allow the caster to make a lore roll, with the degree of success
adjudicating the GM’s answer (as it seems that not even the most remarkable player will have as thorough a knowledge
and understanding of the mythological environment as their character, especially if the character is a priestess). Bonuses
should possibly be allowed for players who do use their knowledge of the appropriate mythology to suggest an appropriate solution.
It is best used to find a solution to a problem that players cannot solve themselves,
although at best any answer from the GM should be vague, only hinting about a way to go about things. The spell also enables
a GM to give a little ‘shove’ to an otherwise stalled scenario or situation if they wish to.
The other three uses are called Fight Harder (combat skills), Try Harder (non-combat/communication
skills), and Be More Persuasive (communication skills). These provide skill bonuses equal to 50% of the characters
base skill to all skills included within their category. They cannot be used to boost any skills already used in an attempt
to solve a problem, so if fighting has not worked then the character can only Try Harder or Be More Persuasive
etc. (J)
Warm Blanket Divine, 2 points, touch, special duration.
can only be cast on a dry blanket. The blanket will become comfortable and warm for the duration of one evening, but will
not resist the cold particularly (so sleeping in the freezing wilderness will quickly reduce the warmth conferred from the
spell) or confer any other magical benefits. (NE)
Spirit, variable, self, temporal.
For every
point in this spell the characters Craft/Weaving skill is increased by 5% for the duration of the spell. This cannot more
than double the characters skill. (NE)