Cult Intro
This section provides a brief introduction to the notation system used in our cult and spell write-ups. Most
of the cults are written up in short form notation; descriptions of cult mythology and practices can be found in the relevant
Issaries publications or by following the links provided. A brief introduction is provided for all cults, this also mentions
ways (if any) in which our version of cult mythology or practices varies from the RuneQuest/Hero Wars/HeroQuest standard.
Spells. Spells listed in italics are included in the cult write-up. Those spells in normal typeface can be found in the RuneQuest
Magic book, or Gods of Glorantha, or have not yet been converted (few in this category, mainly heroquest spells).
· Skills. This lists cult skills. These are the skills tested at initiation and priesthood, and taught
by the cult.
Spirit. This lists the spirit magic spells available to cult members. Not all spells will be available at all sites. The name
of a deity in brackets after a spell name indicates the source of the spell. Most spirit magic from associate deities is listed
under associate cults; it cannot be learnt at a temple of the cult being described.
Divine. This lists the divine magic spells available to cult members. Not all spells will be available at all sites. The name
of a deity in brackets after a spell name indicates the source of the spell. Most divine magic from associate deities is listed
under associate cults; it cannot be learnt at a temple of the cult being described.
Heroquest. This section lists heroquest rituals known by the cult. If the cult being described is a subcult, it will often teach
these rituals to members of other subcults of their deity. This is best judged on a case-by-case basis, certain cults are
prepared to share mythic lore within subcults more readily than others. Generally speaking, a member of any subcult can attempt
any heroquest path of their deity; some subcults have more chance of success at certain quests than others (closer mythic
connections or better knowledge of the myths often being the reason for this).
Associate Heroquest. This section lists heroquest rituals known
by the cult which, if completed successfully, will give the heroquestor reusable access to specific divine magic spells from
closely associated cults, through the recreation of these mythic links on the heroquest. An associate heroquest generally
indicates a strong mythological connection between the two deities, often through joint participation in an important event
(e.g. Vinga and Urox at Bull Flood), sometimes through a generally close relationship (e.g. Vinga and Babeester Gor, her sister).
Associate Cult. This section lists the spirit magic spells and one-use divine magic spells that can be obtained from associate cults.
Such spells can only ever be gained at temples of the associate cult, and indicate minor mythological associations between
the two cults.
· Rituals. This
section details rituals in common use by the cult.
· Subcults. This
details any subcults of the deity that have been written-up.
· Hero cults. This details any hero cults of the deity that have been written-up.
· Notes. This section
includes any points of interest.
The spell notation system is fairly simple. The first line outlines the spells RuneQuest game
mechanics, a fairly standard formula that should be familiar to all. The second line provides a list of how the spell is accessed
by cult worshippers (i.e. if it common to that religion, specific to a subcult etc) and the source of the spell if an associate
spell (given in brackets). If the notation does not specify otherwise then reusable access is indicated. Most cults have all
their spells listed, only those that are one-use are specifically noted as such. A few examples are given below, using the
cult of Vinga as an example.
Defender Storm.
This indicates that the spell is available to members of the Defender
Storm subcult; the lack of additional notation indicates re-usable access to the spell.
Spearwoman/Uzfighter (1 use, Finovan).
This means that the spell is a 1-use spell available to members of
the Spearwoman and Uzfighter subcults of Vinga, and that the associate deity Finovan grants it.
Adventurer/Spearwoman (AssocHQ/Bevara, 1 use/Bevara).
This means that the spell is a 1-use spell granted to members of the Adventurer and Spearwoman
subcults of Vinga, by Bevara. The notation AssocHQ means that members of those subcults can also obtain the spell re-useably
by completing the heroquest associated with the spell.
All (HQ), DarkStorm, Uzfighter.
This means that the DarkStorm and Uzfighter subcults have reusable access to the spell, but that
all other subcults of the deity (Vinga) can obtain re-usable access to the spell via heroquest.
Spearwoman (HQ).
This indicates that the spell is available to members of the Spearwoman subcult upon completion
of the heroquest linked to the spell. This is typically the notation given to HeroWars cult Secrets converted to RQ.
Pathfinder (Hareva The WayMaker).
This notation means that the spell is accessible to members of the Pathfinder subcult who are
also members of the Hareva the WayMaker hero cult.
and Re-usable magic
We define one-use magic differently to standard RuneQuest. It can be either One-use (which means
a spell that can be regained on high holy days but not in any other way) or One-use (Ever), which means that the caster can
use the spell once and then it is permanently gone.
Initiates can sacrifice for One-use of a divine magic spell from their deity. These spells are
one-use annually, and are regained on the cult’s high holy day (just like reusable spells for priests). They
may also sacrifice for spells that are One-use (Ever), once cast or used they are lost; these are either spells from associate
deities or one-shot spells from their own deity (such as Earthpower, Swim Back From Death etc).
Priests can cast spells granted by their deity re-usably. They may obtain spells from associate
cults on a one-use annually basis and regain them on high holy days, a measure of their close connection to their deity. They
may also sacrifice for one-use (ever) spells; these are always one-shot, never re-usable.
This has meant that characters (both PC and NPC) have more divine magic than is normal for RuneQuest.
This has not unbalanced the game (we still have nothing like the levels of magic use in Hero Wars/HeroQuest), and by and large
players are still fairly cautious with their expenditure of spells. In the main campaign most of the characters are priests
or rune lords and thus get most of their magic reusably anyway.
There are several reasons for our decision to change this aspect of the RuneQuest system, some
point I will post a full discussion of the topic; for now it suffices to say that a major reason was to encourage characters
to spend precious points of POW on non-combat spells, something players were reluctant to do under the old system, and which
has helped to lead the group away from a combat-orientated approach.
The acronym GMD is used frequently in these write-ups. It means Gamemasters Decision.
Spell Creation Credits
Credit for creating the original version of a spell is noted in brackets at the end of each spells
description. If the spell credits list two or more sources for a spell, then that spell has either been described by multiple
sources or is a spell from one source that has been substantially modified or influenced by the other sources.
Thanks to all net sources of spells, especially Nick Eden, Jane Williams, and Simon Phipps.
Issaries HeroWars publications have provided suggestions/names for many of the spells listed,
the sources in this case are referred to by publication name, not Issaries as a whole.