The year started badly for our plucky heroes. None of the Orlanthi could use divine magics,
Orlanth was dead and Whitewall was about to fall. The Lunars were pressing hard on all fronts.
The Company continued its journey to Sartar in search of Starbrow,
travelling to Tarthcaer. Along the way they ambushed several Lunar patrols and indulged themselves in minor acts of vandalism
(e.g. painting rude slogans on the walls of a Lunar outpost).
They arrived at the base of Mount Quivin and soon located a band of Vingan guards. They were
told that Starbrow was indeed at Tarthcaer and the Vingans in the group made their way up to the fort. The others stayed
at the bottom and started to organise the refugees that they had discovered in the area.
Tarthcaer was packed full of refugees when Serenity and Flower arrived . They were soon taken
to see Starbrow who seemed pleased to see them (unlike her most of her meetings with Serenity which are typically characterised
by sighs and distressed looks). They conversed for some time.
It was decided that they needed to gather as much strength and as many allies together as
they could. Starbrow told Serenity that King Broyan of the Volsaxi and his warband had agreed to aid them but wanted to bring
them to Tarthcaer so that they could discuss their plans in a safe place. It took her quite some time to persuade
Serenity that this should be done (as men are not allowed to enter Tarthcaer). Serenity then spoke to an assembly of the Vingans
at the fort and in a brilliant speech convinced them to agree to allow Broyan and his men to travel there. There is always
a way!
Broyan and his men, together with the refugees from the foot of the mountain and the
remaining members of The Company, were soon at the fort. Several meetings were held and plans for the future discussed.
Starbrow announced that she intended to heroquest and attempt to bring Orlanth back, requesting that Broyan and The Company
lead the allied forces against the Lunars in her absence.
It was agreed that they would force a battle with the occupying army, partly to protect the
people from their depredations and partly to draw attention away from Starbrows preparations. Potential strategies were
discussed in at length until they came to a consensus.
Starbrow and her minions then left, leaving The Company and its new allies to make their
They stayed at Tarthcaer for several days. The male members of The Company seemed to enjoy
their unusual status amongst the Vingans. Fost and Scratch-E made 'new friends'. Serenity and Broyan seemed to spend
a lot of time together.
The Company gathered as many warriors as they could, scouted potential battle sites and tried
to lure the Lunars into a battle on their terms. Lucifer summoned a small contingent of bison riders and formed a heavy cavalry
unit. Fost summoned his warband as did Bjarnni.
Serenity got in touch with Rosie, a Maran Gor priestess, and was able to get her assistance
in the upcoming battle through a mix of persuasion and by promising to help her seduce Fost (whom Rosie fancied madly).
Miko spent her time preparing for the battle to come.
Naked in the Snow
Serenity decided to return to Dundealos lands in an attempt to secure assistance from
Heroth BlueTongue, a powerful Kolating who lived in the Yellow Hills. After various trials and tribulations she found him
and was able to persuade him to assist her. Heroth said that he would send her to the spiritplane where she could try to
seek help from her ancestors.
Following an odd ritual Serenity found herself naked and in a snow
bound wilderness. Beasts howling in the hills surrounding her, and this together with the freezing conditions drove her on (pondering why it was that she seemed to end up naked on the heroplane
so often), until finally she arrived at the site of a dreadful battle. Piles of corpses, stripped of everything, and horrifically
mutilated, littered a wide valley floor.
Near death from the cold Serenity staggered around the battlefield. She soon heard faint moans from behind
a rock. Investigating cautiously shediscovered the source of the noise, a dying Vingan. The woman was all but hacked
apart; Serenity did what she could but succeeded in doing little more than easing her passing. As her last
breaths came, the warrior handed her broken spear to Serenity. Suddenly she experienced an intense vision of the battle as
seen through the dying warriors eyes, inducing a pain so intense that she passed out.
She awoke to find found back in Sartar, naked, clutching a rusted spearhead
and in the middle of a snowbound wood.
Serenity sought shelter and finally found a cave.
She prayed to Vinga over the spearhead and felt the spirit of the Vingan she had helped within it. The spirit,
a woman named Morfanwen, spoke to her then, telling of ancient deeds and battles, secrets and truths. Serenity then
fed Morfanwen some of her power. Finally, exhausted, she lapsed into unconsciousness.
Serenity awoke to find herself wrapped in a blanket in front of a warm fire. She
had been found by her cousin Bjarnni, who has a knack for finding naked women
in the middle of nowhere (he has bad luck though, it always turns out to be a relative),
When she returned to the rest of The Company, she spent more time talking to Morfanwen, soon discovering that
she, and all who sacrificed power to the spearhead, could obtain the divine magic spell of Screaming Javelin.
The Battle of Iceland
The Company and its warband helped the forces of Sartar
to defeat a Lunar army which heavily outnumbered them. Their warband experienced its first real blooding. Miko enabled
them to totally screw-over a bunch of Lunar sorcerers. Fost led valiantly. Lucifer and Serenity killed so many Lunars that
even their allies were intimidated by them. Scratch-E fought valiantly and slew many Lunars. Reputation of the group rose
Serenity, Miko, Fost, Lucifer, Scratch-E,Flower, Bronwen
Balastor's Axe
The Company went exploring in the Big Rubble, following rumours
that they hoped would lead them to a long-abandoned Humakkt temple. After several misadventures they found it. Along the way
they acquired some nifty loot. Lucifer and his minions re-consecrated the temple and it now serves as his base of operations.
Lucifer, Fost, Serenity, Miko, Flower,Scratch-E, Itch-E
Kicking in Vampires
Party went on an expedition to kill a nest of vampires that
they had discovered in a tunnel system near to the Arm of Pavis. We kicked ass. Serenity went odd(er) for a bit after
looking at a glowing crystal. Scratch-E initiated The Great Lever Debate but eventually decided not to pull the mysterious
lever that he had found (possibly due to threats made by the others). Scratch-E headbutted a ceiling repeatedly (by
accident). Rest of The Company laughed for a while before they helped him.
Serenity, Fost, Scratch-E, Miko, Lucifer, Flower
Mask of Eurmal
Entertaining jaunt that got The Company involved with Eurmal
and the heroplane. Fost made us do it. Mildly traumatic but very entertaining. Lucifer managed to trick someone without lying.
Group most impressed. Got lots of useful stuff including some entertaining one-use magics.
Fost, Lucifer, Miko, Serenity, Flower, Larissa, Scratch-E
The Fifth Element
The Company performs The Fifth Element heroquest as a favour
for the cult of Pavis. It reconciles the cult and city with their traditional enemies, the trolls of the Big Rubble. Everyone
is happy. Scratch-E acquires a forked tongue after trying a strange helmet on. He stuck his hand in lots of Mostali machinery
and had his hand magically transformed when he pulled a mysterious lever.
Serenity, Fost, Miko, Lucifer, Flower, Scratch-E