This section provides brief details about the past members of The Company.
Bison riding Uroxi. 1618-1620.
Founder member of The Company and the first to die in its service, killed by a grue near
Dagori Inkarth in 1620. Played by Steve.
Speed-freak Wagon priest.1623
Sun County native. priest of Lokarnos.
Worked with Company during Rabbit Hat adventure but left afterwards because he couldn't stand the singing.
Chun Li
Video game heroine. 1620-1621.
Trowjangi acolyte of Tolnat. A skilled warrior, Serenity’s lover, and capable spell
caster, she was full of life, lusty and had great dress sense. Died in 1621, shortly after The Company had taken the Arm of
Pavis, fighting ghouls and zombies in the cellar. Played by Jay.
Garak Carmorgan
Shitty breeched Orlanthi. 1618-1622.
Male Sartarite of the Lismelder tribe. Wind Lord and River Hero. Founder member of The
Company. Went to Dorastor following the Great Split, became a farmer and settled down with his wife and kids. Was a valiant
but impetuous warrior of great skill but little brain. Played by Rich.
Stubborn rhino rider. 1622-1623.
Male rhino rider. Storm Khan of Urox. Helped the party fight the Chaos Gaggle and survived
the Great Split of 1622. Good warrior but stubborn, sexist, and unhelpful. Killed in a duel with Serenity in 1623. Played
by John.
Haradda Finehair
Sartarite goth cutie. 1620-1622.
Female Sartarite warrior and initiate of Humakt. Briefly worked with The Company but left
following their defeat by the Lunars in 1622. Ex-girlfriend of Serenity. NPC.
Shy Vingan thief. 1618-1619.
Pavic female initiate of Vinga and thief. Founder member of the group. Left in 1619 after
the second adventure to find a safer way to make a living. Played by Little Sair.
Tough Humakti mercenary. 1623-1624.
Female Sartarite initiate of Humakt. Fought with The Company on a few adventures but left
in 1624 to fight in the Lismelder rebellion. Believed to have been killed in the rebellion. Played by Donna.
Kragle Kagfriend
Mighty great troll. 1618-1622.
Male great troll. Founder member of The Company, River Hero, and acolyte of Kygor Litor.
Kragle was a great and cultured warrior whose strength and determination carried the party through many adventures. He was
an initiate of Orlanth and a true believer in a Company in which all would be welcome. His vision helped to shape The Company
and those who knew him sorely miss him. Kragle was killed by ghosts and treacherous Yelmalian hoplites whilst adventuring
in the Puzzle Canal. Played by Steve.
Briefly valiant Vingan. 1624.
Female Sartarite initiate of Vinga. Serenity’s apprentice. Died in her first adventure
with The Company (fell from a cliff). Played by Jay.
Sable riding Uroxi. 1620-1621.
Female sable rider and Uroxi. Left the party after the Vomiter adventure. Played by Anna.
Wasumato Hai
Katana wielding nutter. 1620.
Samurai type from the mysterious east. A quiet but totally fearless warrior, he died during
a side-adventure near Notchet. Played by Jay.