People of note at The Arm of Pavis
This list includes employees, friends, fellow clan members,
and associates of The Company.
Alline Trentraeth
Female Sartarite of the Dundealos tribe. Priestess of Ernalda and clan ring
member. Senior priestess of the Earth temple. Patient and calm.
Ardele Trentraeth
Female Sartarite of the Dundaelos tribe. Initiate of Issaries and Vinga. Apprentice
trader for The Company. Accompanied them on the trip to Fay-Jee in 1629. Alline's little sister.
Bethany Carmorgan
Garak’s little sister. Vinga initiate and temple guard.
Bjork Kallyrsdottir
Female Sartarite from Serenity’s clan of the Dundealos tribe. Vingan
Red Woman, Daughter of Vinga. Serenity’s assistant and adopted daughter.
Bjork OddSong
Female Sartarite of the Aranwyth tribe. Loyal Daughter of Vinga at the Hall of the Red Lady. Tough,
no-nonsense, but generous and kind to those in need.
Carramaena Kallyrsdottir
Female Sartarite from Boldhome. Vinga initiate. Serenity’s adopted daughter.
Chingua TallLeopard
Male Agimori. Bouncer at the Arm of Pavis and Company emissary to the Agimori.
Has been a friend of The Company since he adventured with them in 1621.
Male Sartarite Sword Sage of Hevduran. Joined the Turquoise Tree Clan after adventuring
with some of The Company in early 1627.
Davok Breg
Bison riding Humakti. Leads the bison riders when Lucifer is away.
Demet Ardivan
Sartarite Orlanthi weaponthane. One of Bjarnni’s band, he helps with
weapons training and command of the fyrd.
Dilys Gravellaw
Female Pavic initiate of Lhankor Mhy. Company scribe. Has worked for The Company
since 1622.
Egil Ostenstadt
Male Sartarite. Ex-Dundealos tribe weaponthane. Chief of the Turquoise Tree
clan. Egil is an aging but valiant warrior who was warband leader of the Macleod Clan and taught Kallyr how to use the sword. Used
to play football for Southampton FC. Has a good knowledge of Sartar and its environs.
Erryth SweetLaughter
Female Sartarite priestess of Ernalda. Assists Alline.
Dwarf barman at the pub. Makes great cocktails.
Gale Warnyn
Female Wind Child. Initiate of Vinga. Very cute. Serenity’s longest
serving apprentice and lover.
Female apprentice to Miko.
Female trollkin. Xiola Umbar priestess and leader of the trollkin of the clan.
Mate of Serenity, has worked for The Company since she was freed after being bought as a slave in 1621.
Henga Ironfist
Male Sartarite of the Dundealos tribe. Orlanth Thunderous (Vingkot Victorious)
initiate, and experienced warrior. He commands part of the fyrd.
Korn Stouthelm
Male Sartarite Orlanthi. Weaponthane and follower of Bjarnni. Weapons trainer
and patrol leader. Sent by Bjarnni to assist in Pavis.
Larissa the Hobbit
Female hobbit. Acolyte of The Trickster and friend of Serenity/Fost. Turned
Fost’s hair pink once. Cool.
Male Sartarite priest of Lhankor Mhy. Good lawspeaker. Serves on the clan
ring when needed.
Male mercenary from Safelester. Leads the training of the warband and fyrd.
Little is known about him but Serenity says that he is mostly trustworthy.
Male rhino rider. Shaman serving Waha. Has been an ally of The Company when
they freed him following the assault in which they captured the Arm of Pavis.
Owein the Sweet
Male Sartarite. Initiate of Orlanth. Weaponthane. Went on the Daskor’s
Stead adventure. Very good looking. ‘Friend’ of Serenity and many other Vingans. Understudy to the warband leader.
Pharzeela Bloodwoman
Female Tarshite. Initiate of Maran Gor. Originally a foe (member of the Tarsh
Gang) then became a friend and ally. Serves in the guards for the Earth temples and helps to train the warband.
Roger (Korg Skullsplitter)
Male dark troll. Acolyte of Kygor Litor and initiate of Orlanth. Follower
of the Way of Kragle. Works as Serenity’s parasol holder and doorman at the Arm of Pavis tavern.
Ryan Swenson
Male Sartarite priest of Chalana Arroy. Serves on the clan ring and runs the
small shrine to the goddess at the Arm of Pavis.
Female Sartarite Uroxi. Raena’s follower. Second in command of her warband.
Sigrott BigKnife
Male dark troll. Initiate of Humakt and assistant to Lucifer.
Sinnead McAlwen
Female Sartarite priestess of Issaries. Serves on the clan ring. Tradethane.
Female Agimori Uroxi. Apprentice to Raena.