Dark Walk
Divine, 1 point, ranged, non-stackable, temporal.
spell allows the user to be totally invisible and soundless in darkness and shadow to anyone within range. (RQ)
Divine, 1 point, non-stackable, ranged, temporal.
spell conjures an invisible hand composed of air. It can be used to carry, hold, and manipulate items within the casters LOS,
and is directed by concentrating. It has a STR equal to that of the caster. A DEX x3 roll is required to perform difficult
tasks (GMD). (P)
Leave No Trace
Divine, Heroquest, 3 points, self,
non-stackable, special.
spell is used to escape from imprisonment with the aid of Desemborth’s Wind. The escape will not be noticed, but will
instead appear miraculous to the captors (see Thunder Rebels/222). GMD as to what actually happens to the caster. (J)
Divine, 1 point, touch, non-stackable, 12-hour duration.
spell grants its recipient the ability to see in darkness. For 12 hours the target can see by any amount of available light.
If there is a complete absence of light, they cannot see. (RQ/P)
No Scent
Divine, 1 point, non-stackable, touch, temporal.
recipient of this spell gives off no scent for the duration of the spell. This prevents tracking and detection by smell, either
magical or mundane. (J)
No Tracks
Divine, 2 points, non-stackable,
self, temporal.
When this spell is cast, the caster will leave no tracks for the duration of the spell. She will leave no tracks or
scent. (SP/J)
Spirit, variable, self, temporal.
adds 15% per point of spell to the casters Hide skill. (P)
Spirit, variable, ranged, temporal.
Shadow spell draws shadows to the designated target area, making it darker and thus easier to hide. It will cancel
a Light spell, and is cancelled by a Light spell. (P)
Spirit, 2 points, non-stackable, touch, instant.
When cast on a willing target, this spell puts the person to sleep, no matter what
the external conditions are. The target must not resist this spell otherwise it will fail. (SP)
Squeeze Spirit, variable, self,
point of Squeeze gives the target one less effective SIZ point for trying to squeeze through small spaces. This can only halve
the character's effective SIZ, no more. (NE)