Bless Forge
This ritual may be cast over a smithing tool, usually a hammer, or upon an entire
forge. The area affected by the ritual is either just the person using the blessed tool in the first application or everyone
working in the forge in the second. It is of course, more mobile in its first application. The ritual requires the sacrifice
of 1 POW.
Each point of POW sacrificed in the ritual increases the intensity and duration of
Heat Metal spells and the duration of Strong Hammer spells by a factor of one. In addition, any damage taken in the course
of smithing, such as accidents or handling hot metal, is reduced by the same factor. (DR)
Spirit, variable, touch, temporal.
This spell causes 1 ENC of metal to heat up by one level of intensity per point cast,
making the metal mallable for forging. It takes about a minute to heat up to full temperature and optimum forging temperature
is about 88% of a metal’s melting point. The caster can also control the heat imparted to an item to prevent unwanted
melting. (DR)
Imbue Sword With Magic
1 point, non-stackable, permanent, one-use.
This spell must be cast when a sword is forged. If the smith succeeds in his
Craft Swordsmithing then the smith can add one special power to the sword, a special success allows two extra powers, a critical
three extra powers. A fumble or failure means the sword has shattered.
Each extra power may cost the smith POW or Divine Magic as appropriate.
So, Halban the Smith casts Imbue Sword With Magic on a Bastard Sword and gets a critical roll, he knows he can put three powers
into the sowrd, and decides on Sharpen Sword, Strengthen Sword and Swift Sword, a power he has gained on a HeroQuest. He rolls
his Craft Swordmaking three times and gets a normal, a critical and a special, so the sword does 1D10 + 2 damage, yhas an
extra 3D3 HPs and attacks with -2 SR. It is a sword fit for a Hero and he takes it to the local Humakt temple as an offering.
Mould Metal
Spirit, 2 points, range 1 metre, temporal.
This spell enables the caster to shape a metal item which has been heated to at least
50% of its melting point. Metal items up to the size of a wagon axle may be shaped by means of this spell. The caster must
concentrate on the shape desired for between one and five minutes, depending on the shapes complexity, and the caster must
be familiar with the shape to be able to produce good quality work. The caster must also succeed in a relevant craft skill
roll. An item mended by this spell will regain its full Aps without destroying any enchantments held on it. (DR)
Sharpen Sword
Divine,1 point, non-stackable, permanent,one-use.
This spell must
be cast when a sword is forged. If the smith succeeds in his Craft (Swordmaking) then the sword does an extra point of damage,
if the roll was a special it does 2 extra points of damage, if a critical 3 points.
A fumble or failure means the sword has shattered. (SP/J)
Strengthen Sword
1 point, non-stackable, permanent, one-use.
This spell must be cast when a sword is forged. If the smith succeeds in his Craft
(Swordmaking) then the sword has an extra 1D3 APs, if the roll was a special it
has 2D3 extra APs, if a critical 3D3 APs. A fumble or failure means the sword has shattered. (SP/J)
Strong Hammer
Spirit, 2 points, touch, temporal.
This spell may only be cast on a smithing hammer and adds 10% to the
user’s craft skills of Armouring and Swordsmithing. It also enables a smith ti shape any metal with a hammer made of
a weaker metal. (DR)