Vingan gifts and geases
This material draws heavily on Jane Williams’
Vinga cult write-up, as she was the source of the Vinga cult that we initially used in our game.
A geas is a binding restriction on a characters
behavior, enforced by the will of the goddess. They are taken to bring that character closer to the goddess. Those who break
a geas will lose all benefits from that geas, suffer attacks from spirits of reprisal, and lose favour in the eyes of Vinga.
Geases are not available at all temples. They are most commonly found at temples with a
strong Babeester Gor, Elmal, or Humakt link (such as Ernalda’s Home, Tarthcaer, Last Cast, Defender’s Fort, Notchet,
and Pavis). Most Vingans who worship at such sites take a geas upon initiation.
Lesser gift/geas pairs are chosen, in consultation with a priestess, rather than being
chosen by the Goddess (allotted by chance or dice). Dangerous geases will not be granted to inexperienced initiates for whom
they would be suicidal. At initiation an additional geas/gift pair can be taken or the initial gift/geas can be a Greater
one; either option requires the sacrifice of a point of POW and the approval of the goddess (i.e. the GM).
Additional geases may be taken on High Holy days if the Goddess approves (determined by
divination). Each requires the sacrifice of a point of POW.
When Daughter rank is reached a Greater gift/geases pair is taken and the new Daughter
can sacrifice one point of POW to take a second Greater or Lesser gift/geases at the same time. Further geas/gifts can be
obtained in the normal way on High Holy days.
Storm Ladies always take two Greater gift/geases upon achieving priest status due to their
closeness to Vinga.
Lesser Gift/Geas pairs are occasionally bestowed upon Vingans who perform great services
for the temple or cult, join a particular hero cult, or take certain vows.
Much local variance exists on the practice of taking geases, and many different gift/geas
combinations exist, most unique to a particular location or hero cult.
Greater gifts and geases should not be taken by initiates, and are generally only granted to those of priestess rank
(i.e. GMD).
One of the lesser gift and geas pairs grants the Sense Rapist skill. It
is detailed below.
Sense Rapist
(Base 10%)
This skill
allows the user to identify rapists and despoilers of the Earth. The user must be close enough to see the target's mannerisms
and hear his voice for at least one minute. A fumble means an incorrect assessment is made; no further rolls are allowed.
Sense Rapist is only half as effective at detecting female despoilers.