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Relationships with other cults and races





This section of the write-up has been largely culled from Jane Williams’ Vinga write-up. She takes credit for what is good herein; any mistakes/inaccuracies are likely to be mine.

It should be noted that geographical location and cultural attitudes play an important role in shaping the relationships between cults. What is written below is at best a general guideline. Each clan and tribe will interpret these links slightly differently, depending upon their understanding of the goddess and their own needs. For example, in regions where few Uz are found or they are not perceived as a threat, there are likely to be anti-Uz Vingans than elsewhere (not a great example I grant you, but an example all the same).



Like Orlanth, Vinga hates all Chaos, and has a similar rivalry with Yelm and his pantheon, although her relationship with solar cults is linked more with cult dogma than Orlanth’s. The rivalry is expressed professionally and personally, but that does not mean that the cults hate each other enough to fight at every occasion. The rivalry is generally stronger against male members of the religion than female.





Vinga’s relationship with most deities of the Ernaldan pantheon is very good, to many of these cults she is known as the Hearth Protector. She is especially close to her mother Ernalda. Many temporary Vingans remain followers of Ernalda through The Red Vows. Her sisters Babeester Gor and Voria are also close allies.

Vinga is one of the War Women, the female fighting deities of the Orlanthi pantheon. The others include Babeester Gor, Bevara, Enferalda, Maran Devor (see Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels).




While Vinga was not a Lightbringer herself, she is on friendly terms with all the Lightbringers. In particular she is on good terms with Chalana Arroy, and Vingans are often preferred as bodyguards by healers. Her relationships with Eurmal and Issaries are almost as good (this is often mirrored on the mortal plane).




Vingans dislike Lunars for much the same reasons as other Orlanthi. However, there are times when an individual Vingan's desire to protect women from men may override her hatred/dislike of Lunars, a group of Orlanthi men attacking a Lunar healer might well find themselves facing Vingan defenders (although they would almost certainly attempt to use persuasion or coercion to defend her and would probably fight only reluctantly). For the most part, though, Vingans are vigorously anti-Lunar.




Vinga had comparatively little interaction with the beast-riders and this is reflected in the relationship between Praxians and Vingans. Mythically they are neutral to each other, but daily life typically modifies this attitude.

Vingans from clans frequently raided by Praxians will tend to be hostile to them, others will not necessarily so. The Praxians tend to look down upon non-Praxians, but Vingans are not necessarily treated as enemies unless they belong to a group known to be hostile to the Praxians (such as the Pol Joni, followers of Hereot and Ulanin etc).

Praxians cannot truly understand why any woman would wish to be a warrior, but accept that some do. They normally regard cults such as Humakt and Storm Bull to be the appropriate gods for such women, and cannot understand the need for a specialist goddess of women warriors such as Vinga. The Orlanthi of Sartar are seen as ‘soft’ by the Praxians, many are not surprised that the women look to their own defense. Many regard Vingans as an object of amusement, although this is generally among those with little experience of Vingans.

Of all the Praxians, the priestesses of Eiritha understand the cult of Vinga the best, respecting them for their links to Earth cults and their stern defense of their own people.




The cult is moderately hostile towards most solar cults due to their treatment of women as second-class citizens. This feeling is, of course, mutual. The main exception is the cult of Yelorna: the two cults often find themselves on the same side in arguments and will generally come to each others' defense if needed. Contact between them is slight, however, other than in the city of Pavis.




The Issaries publications Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels provide in-depth details on Vinga’s relationships with other members of the Storm Tribe. These relationships are generally very good, although many verge on rivalry at points (especially with Elmal and the other Thunder Brothers).

The precise nature of Vinga’s interactions with other members of the Storm Tribe varies considerably in the mythology of different Orlanthi clans. Her links to Elmal are a good case in point.

In some clans, Vinga and Elmal are seen as once-rivals, then lovers, and finally friends. The two cults interact closely, co-operating particularly well in defense of the clan, and many Elmali have Vingan lovers or wives (although the Vingans would say that many Vingans have Elmali lovers or husbands). Some clans have minor variations on this but the net effect is the same.

In other clans her relationship with the Sunthane is far more strained. Vingans and Elmali compete in a far more intense way, a rivalry that is only tempered by both cults devotion to the defense of the clan. In the myths of such clans, Elmal and Vinga are always in competition, although never in such a way that the clan is endangered.






Despite Vinga’s reputation as an Uzfighter, the cult attitude towards trolls varies widely from place to place; Vinga’s Uzfighter role only truly emerges when Uz threaten her clan/tribe/friends/innocents. Vinga has several positive mythical connections with Darkness deities and her Uzfighter role is more a manifestation of her desire to defend the Storm Tribe than an expression of dislike/hatred of trolls.

This is reflected within the cult as a whole. In areas where trolls have been a noted past foe, or where they raid the local Orlanthi on a regular basis, the Uzfighter cult will be strong and attitudes towards Uz often harden (the Heortling tribes near to the Kitori Wilds, the Amad and Bacchad, etc). In areas/clans where trolls are not a threat, or have traditionally aided the Orlanthi, relationships will be better, and often verge on alliances, or lead to trading links (Esrolia, the Torkani tribe etc).

 Vinga’s most notable Uz foe was Zorak Zoran, and she fought many times with him. He is not hated, but many Vingans do make a point of standing up to those they encounter, and will often challenge his followers to duels.

Kygor Litor both helped, and was helped by, Vinga. Their cults interact in a broadly similar way, but there is nothing approaching associated cults status. The relationship is a fairly neutral one, and incorporates an understanding that, on occasion, their interests will coincide and co-operation can be a path to success.

The healer cult of Xiola Umbar is respected by most Vingans who know of it; comparatively few have any dealings with them. There is little in the way of formal interaction between the cults however, except in Esrolia (ancient ties) and at Pavis (recent alliances).

Many trolls do however dislike Vingans, for the reasons why go here.







 Political alliances



In some cities (Notchet and Pavis are the most famous), an alliance exists between the temples of Uleria and Vinga: the Ulerian initiates get protection from their "clients", and the Vingans get the occasional use of the Community spell on their training area.

In Pavis, the cult has built strong links with the Pavis cult. Female members of the cult can learn spirit magic and be trained by the Vingans. In return, the Vingans receive assistance in a variety of forms from the Pavis cult. In recently this has included money, healing, accommodation, spirit magic and equipment.



Associated Cults



The following section provides brief outlines of Vinga’s relationships with a selection of specific deities. Interested readers should refer to Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels, as well as the myths listed on the Myths page, for a more in-depth look at the subject. Bear in mind that these mythological connections are not necessarily equally strong with each subcult of the Goddess (i.e. Starkval had little to do with Vinga the Adventurer, thus members of that subcult cannot sacrifice for his spells).



·        Babeester Gor.  The Earth Avenger. Sister of the Goddess. The two get on well, a relationship mirrored by that between her cults. Many links with the cult of Vinga, especially the Avenger Subcult.

·        Barntar.  The Farmer god. Vinga’s much-loved brother. The two get on well, but Barntar struggles to understand why Vinga wishes to adventure and fight alongside the Thunder Brothers. The two cults get on well; Vingans can get training and some spells at Barntar temples.

·        Chalana Arroy. Vinga and Chalana Arroy get on exceptionally well, a relationship mirrored by that between her cults. Vingans are often the preferred choice of guards for healers. Temples of the healer goddess will provide training in First Aid and the Heal spell, to Vingans in good standing at that temple.

·        Elmal. Vinga’s relationship with Elmal is the source of some uncertainty. Most clans know that initially they were rivals (see Thunder Rebels), but reached a rapprochement of sorts, that has allowed the two to co-exist relatively peacefully. This is believed to have been when she aided him when he was lost and wounded in the Stone Forest. Afterwards they became lovers for a while, although most Elmali deny that Elmal ever slept with Vinga (Serenity agrees, at no point did they sleep). He began to admit her right to help defend the clan, further convinced by her great deeds in the Darkness. The two cults are friendly rivals, but have many mythological connections. Vingans are able to learn several of Elmal spells. Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels provide a more in-depth description of this relationship.

·        Ernalda.  Vinga’s mother. The two have a complex and close relationship, see Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels for an in-depth analysis of their relationship. Most Vingans have undergone Ernaldan initiation, and many return to that faith if they leave the Vingan cult. Ernaldans may join the Avenger subcult on a temporary basis. Vingans can get training in a variety of skills, and learn many spells from Ernalda and her subcults. See subcult write-ups for further details.

·        Eurmal. Vinga and the Trickster had many adventures together. She is one of the few deities who can stand his presence. The two cults share a similar relationship. Vingans can sacrifice for the Charisma spell at some Eurmal shrines.

·        Heler. Vinga and Heler get on well, some myths say that they have been lovers. The two cults mirror this relationship. Heler and his subcults provide several spells to the cult of Vinga, and Heler priests have a ritual obligation to provide Vingan priestesses with accommodation if they request it (they in turn must perform a service for the priest if he so requires it, and it is reasonable).

·        Humakt. The nature of Vinga’s mythological association is uncertain but the two deities get on well (insofar as Humakt gets on with anyone). Some legends say that Humakt lent Death to Vinga so that she could defend him against a foe he had sworn not to fight, and lends it to her when she needs it (the source of her Truesword spell). A myth from Ralios claims that the Goddess copied Death before returning it, which is why she still wields it, another holds that she slept with him to get a copy of the sword.  Vingans may learn combat skills and some spells at Humakt temples; the reverse is true for female Humakti.

·        Orlanth. This relationship is explained in detail in Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels. Vingans may join Orlanth subcults and have many associate spells available to them due to the strong mythological connections between them. Men may not join Vingan subcults however.

·        Redalda. Vinga’s friend grants her the Speak with Horses spell. Several Esrolian myths refer to them as occasional lovers.

·        Rigsdal. Vinga and Rigsdal defended the stead against the Uz on many occasions during the Darkness. Rigsdal grants his ally use of some of his spells.

·       Thunder Brothers.  Vinga has strong mythological connections to her fellow Thunder Brothers. Many spells are available to Vingans through these links.

·        Urox.  Urox grants Vingans use of the Face Chaos spell, which they can sacrifice for at Bull Flood temple, in return for Vinga’s aid against Chaos at Bull Flood.

·        Voria. Voria is Vinga’s much-loved little sister. She provides her adventurous sister and her worshippers use of the Invigorate spell.

·        Voriof.  Vinga aided Voriof several times during the Darkness. He provides her and her followers with the Stay Awake spell

·        Yinkin. Yinkin and Vinga went on many adventures together. They remain good friends. This is mirrored in the relationship between their cults. Many Vingan priestesses are accompanied by alynxes, and many Vingan allied spirits are embodied in an alynx (especially true of the Adventurer subcult).